We all know why you’re here. You are trying to step up and better yourself. It’s probably not your first rodeo. You tried the whole New Year’s resolution thing and failed spectacularly. Now you’re determined to try again. This time you’re being smart about it and are looking to set realistic goals for yourself.
Good for you! I’ve been in the same boat before. Quit smoking, go to the gym, lose weight – you name it, I’ve tried it. Come February and I’m back on the couch binging on everything.
So, how did I achieve my goals finally last year? I started out with easy-to-achieve, no-fuss goals. You can skip here to the list or download a printable A4 list you can use and share.
This transformed my whole goal-setting. By setting realistic goals I could actually achieve for the first year, I could then raise the bar for the next year. Once you get into the habit of these “small” goals, you condition your mind for bigger ones.
You can’t run before you can walk
You need to train your mind and give it some easy trophies. That is even truer if you’re known for procrastinating (been there). It’s important to get you off the couch and score some wins. The list below is just perfect for that. It eases you into daily habits. After you’re well into this exercise, and I’m talking a couple of months here, add more to the items on the list.
Here’s an easy example. After a few months of cutting the number of cigarettes you’re smoking, go ahead and quit altogether. You can then add a new item, a new realistic goal to replace that one.
As you level up each item on the list, you can go ahead and replace it with a new goal. Or you can keep leveling up the existing one. Depends on the type of goal it is.
How To Set Them
This part is easy. Just take a few minutes and think about what you want to accomplish. Write that down. Now write down the first step to achieve each goal. That’s your starting point. Your list of realistic goals.
It’s like a video game. As you’re getting better you’re unlocking higher levels. And the beauty is that you’re feeling like you’re accomplishing something. Like you’re really bettering yourself. Let me show you an example now.
Read also, The Only Health Goals You Need
Examples Of Realistic Goals
My list below is easy to follow as it is. If you want, you can rearrange it however you want. Add more things? Sure! Not a smoker? Replace it with something else.
Let’s look at an example of how you can modify items on the list.

Example – Meditate or stretch for 10 minutes each morning
You can swap meditation for yoga, breathing exercises, or stretching. Whichever you prefer more. The point of this is not to exercise but to reset your mind for the new day.
If you think 10 minutes is too short, by all means, extend it.
Having trouble falling asleep? Do this in the evening before sleep to help you relax and calm your mind and body.
Having a stressful day at work? Incorporate it into your lunch break if you can. Put some meditative sounds in your headphones to faze out the surroundings. Stay at your desk or go to the roof or balcony where there are fewer people.
I think you get the drift. Modify, extend, or replace.
20 Realistic Goals List
- Set your alarm half an hour earlier
- Don’t hit the snooze button
- Meditate or stretch for 10 minutes each morning
- Walk more
- Smoke fewer cigarettes
- Drink less alcohol
- Keep in touch with your friends
- Contact one old friend a month
- Say your mom (don’t forget dad and siblings) you love them
- Do 20 squats, 10 push-ups, and 5 pull-ups daily
- Drink more water
- Take the stairs instead of an elevator
- Read or listen to one book per month (nonfiction) or 1 Blink per day
- Do not use social media on Sundays
- Give at least $10 to charity
- Pick up at least one piece of litter per day
- Throw out at least 10 pieces of trinkets out of your house
- Subscribe to a magazine, newsletter, or podcast
- Take vitamin D tablets (or preferably in the form of sunshine)
- Eat at least two pieces of fruit each day
As you can see, the list covers your physical and mental health, your relationships with family and friends, and potentially your education and career. By opening your mind, you might find that you need a career or job change. Reading books might interest you in new and exciting topics etc.
Make sure to exchange completed goals for new ones as you progress. You won’t need New Year’s resolutions anymore to get you going.
With these realistic goals, you don’t have to wait for the new year to start. It’s easy to pick up and feel accomplished on your first day.
Why not make today that first day? That first step towards a better, more accomplished life?