Need some motivation to wake up early? You’re in the right place!
These awesome wake up quotes will inspire you to ditch the snooze button and get up swiftly off your bed.
Related reading, How To Wake Up Early And Gain Back A Whole Month For Yourself with easy and actionable tips.
Stay enthusiastic and feel empowered to rise and shine early every day by writing the best quotes somewhere where you will keep seeing them.
Wake Up Quotes 1-10
“You never know how much you truly appreciate sleep until it’s snatched away from you.”
― Khloe Beutler
“I woke in the hour before dawn, stuck in that strange state where the memory of your dreams is still powerful enough to motivate your actions.”
― Ben Aaronovitch
“Waking up from a deep sleep, I always seem to be discovering life for the first time.”
― Marty Rubin
“Most people think coffee is what wakes you up in the morning. I believe it’s actually brushing your teeth with hand lotion instead of toothpaste.”
― Khloe Beutler
“How you greet your morning is like a boomerang. It always comes back to you. Remember this.”
― Stan Jacobs
“Waking up in the same place in which you dozed off has never happened either to you or to anyone else. Ever. Earth does not stop moving when you sleep. Every hour that passes, Earth travels a little more than 800,000 kilometers around the center of our galaxy. And so do you. That’s the equivalent of about twenty trips around the planet. Every hour. No one minds, though, as long as their bed stays still beneath their body.”
― Christophe Galfard
“No one ever changed the world waking up at noon.”
― Connor Chalfant
Wake Up Quotes To Start The Day Right
“Open your eyes, breathe in the fresh dawn air and, with it, all the possibilities this new day may bring.”
― Stewart Stafford
“No matter how terrible my dreams, I’m always happy when I wake up.”
― Marty Rubin
“Early is a priceless timepiece owned by the successful.”
― Johnnie Dent Jr.
Wake Up Quotes 11-20
Related reading, How To Wake Up Early And Gain Back A Whole Month For Yourself with easy and actionable tips.
“Know that dreaming is a waste of sleeping time and energy if you don’t wake up to achieve them.”
― Israelmore Ayivor
“There are two ways of waking up in the morning. One is to say, ‘Good morning, God,’ and the other is to say, ‘Good God, morning’!”
― Archbishop Fulton Sheen
“To dream of success is to set a goal of where you want to be; to wake up, take action, and achieve it is what true success is all about.”
― Idowu Koyenikan
“Wake up, live your life and sing the melody of your soul.”
― Amit Ray
“Each day, wake up with a plan. Don’t just approach your days in an unfocused void. That state of mind leaves too much room for discontent, opposition, unhappiness and hopelessness.”
― Carlos Wallace
Wake Up Quotes To Start The Day Right
“Wake up! For today is the day that you change the world.
One smile at a time.”
― Anthony T. Hincks
“Never stop dreaming. Wake up and chase your dreams.”
― Gift Gugu Mona
“Amazing is when you wake up in the dream.”
― Unknown
“Stop wishing and worrying and start waking up.”
― Richie Norton
“Wake up! And lay claim to your dream with sacred determination flashing in your eyes, never to play small for the rest of your life.”
― Curtis Tyrone Jones
Wake Up Quotes 21-30
Related reading, How To Wake Up Early And Gain Back A Whole Month For Yourself with easy and actionable tips.
“Good morning.
Lead with gratitude.
The air in your lungs, the sky above you.
Proceed from there.”
― Lin-Manuel Miranda
“Wake up; the world is waiting for your sunny energy. You are the inspiration for many.”
― Amit Ray
“If you are conscious of your own dreams, nobody can confuse you with their own goals. Wake up and live your dreams!”
― Israelmore Ayivor
“When the morning sun wakes up, the darkness in the valleys looks for a place to hide!”
― Mehmet Murat Ildan
“When you wake up are you ready to meet the day or has the day already beaten you? Your perspective, your life!”
― Monika Zands
“Wake up, open your eyes, know the truth.”
― Enock Maregesi
“Success is to wake up each morning and consciously decide that today will be the best day of your life.”
― Ken Poirot
“I never wake up in the morning and wonder why I am here. I wake up and wonder why I am not making here better.”
― Jeffrey Fry
Wake Up Quotes To Start The Day Right
“Who cares what time you wake up and go to bed? What matters most is what you do with your life in between.”
― J.R. Rim
“This morning do something different: When you wake up in the morning, wake your forgotten and forsaken dreams up as well, wake them up like an insisting rooster!”
― Mehmet Murat Ildan
Wake Up Quotes 31-37
Related reading, How To Wake Up Early And Gain Back A Whole Month For Yourself with easy and actionable tips.
“Laziness is when your sleep overcomes your passion, not under the influence of drugs but under the control of excuses and procrastination!”
― Israelmore Ayivor
“You have a clean slate every day you wake up. You have a chance every single morning to make that change and be the person you want to be. You just have to decide to do it. Decide today’s the day. Say it: this is going to be my day.”
― Brendon Burchard
“Something wonderful may happen today. You don’t want to be asleep when it does!”
― Lee Wyndham
“Wake up, Life is a gift, realize that!”
― Ebelsain Villegas
“Spending a few moments right when you wake up to inspire and motivate yourself can make all the difference in the rest of your day.”
― Daniel Willey
“When I awake thinking of dreams I slept on, I often wonder, if the dreams ever wake up thinking of me?”
― Anthony Liccione
“Get out of your own way… stop the paralysis by analysis… dream your dream… then, WAKE UP and bring it to life!”
― Steve Maraboli
Wake Up Early Quotes
Related reading, Self-Motivation Quotes To Be Brave And Confident Every Day
“Wake late, win late.”
― Amit Kalantri
“Never wait for the alarm clock to wake you up; your passion must wake you up against sluggish lifestyles. Positive passion keeps you hot until the work is finished!”
― Israelmore Ayivor
“When you rise in the morning, form a resolution to make the day a happy one for a fellow creature.”
― Sydney Smith
“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.”
Wake Up Early Quotes To Start The Day Right
― Meister Eckhart
“Heaven to be the first one up and to eat breakfast all alone.”
― Katherine Hepburn
“The best thing about waking up early is seeing the sun rise.” ― Bridgit Mendler
“There’s one thing that’s really great about waking up early, and it’s not jogging or greeting the day – it’s just that that’s when they make doughnuts.” ― Kathy Griffin
“One key to success is to have lunch at the time of the day most people have breakfast.” ― Robert Breault
“Waking up early on Saturday gives me an edge in finishing my work with a very relaxed state of mind. There is a feeling of time pressure on weekdays that aren’t there on weekends. If I wake up early in the morning before anybody else, I can plan the day or at least my activities with a relaxed mind.” ― Oprah Winfrey
“There is too much life to be lived for you to hit the snooze button. In fact, I believe it is ‘seize the day’, not ‘snooze the day!'” ― Hal Elrod
“Early rising not only gives us more life in the same number of years, but adds, likewise, to their number; and not only enables us to enjoy more of existence in the same time, but increases also the measure.” ― Charles Caleb Colton
“The sun has not caught me in bed in fifty years.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Wake Up Early Quotes To Start The Day Right
“I would have it inscribed on the curtains of your bed and the walls of your chamber: ‘If you do not rise early you can make progress in nothing.'” ― William Pitt