Superhuman Jocko Willink Quotes
Ask yourself “What would Jocko do?” Get motivated by powerful Jocko Willink quotes. He is a bona fide allround badass and former Navy SEAL. He is now an established author, speaker and podcaster.
Ask yourself “What would Jocko do?” Get motivated by powerful Jocko Willink quotes. He is a bona fide allround badass and former Navy SEAL. He is now an established author, speaker and podcaster.
You are in the right place if you need some encouragement. These quotes will make you keep going and won’t let you give up. 42 Shareable images included!
In this article, I’m talking about self-discipline and most of the 110 quotes cover self-discipline as well. Read on to see what the leading minds had to say about discipline and why it is so important.
Family is the best thing in life. We gathered 32 family quotes we like the most.